Notes about archlinux repository self-hosting Published the 2022-04-24 Because I am coding my own tools and softwares, I'd like to have clean packages for them. Because I use arch linux, I want to target this system. Because I like easy install and update, I want to not have to deal with cloning the PKGBUILDs manually. I chose this weekend to set my sights on self-hosting a repository. The doc is... more than lacking, so this page is kind of an info dump about the topic, not sorted, and not fully verified, for stuff that worked for me. ## Package building To properly build the packages, I needed a few (undocumented ? or hard to find) steps. To properly generate the package checksum, you need to put the right value in `sha256sums` in the `PKGBUILD` file. To do so, firstly set the value to `sha256sums=('SKIP')` inside the `PKGBUILD` file. Then, enter `updpkgsums`, which will generate the checksums and edit the `PKGBUILD`. Then, build your package. I use the argset `-p file.PKGBUILD -fC --sign --key "...gpg key..."`. For example, for `files-git`, I enter the following. ``` cd $(mktemp -d) cp ~/git/files-git/PKGBUILD files-git.PKGBUILD updpkgsums files-git.PKGBUILD makepkg -p files-git.PKGBUILD -fC --sign --key "A5F733049A3391203FDCB6B34813CB8D9C3F48AC" mv files-git-* ~/git/arch/artemis/x86_64 cd ~/git/arch/artemis/x86_64 repo-add *.pkg.tar.zst ``` ## Configuration The web server that hosts the repository must be able to follow symlinks, because the arch repo.db system is relying on it. ## Additional notes (setting up the repository on a user's computer) I added some more notes on how to use my own repository, which I think are generic enough, on [the repository's README](